5 Features of the Best Learning Management Systems (LMS)
What to look for when researching an LMS
A Learning Management System is a software program that simplifies administration, tracking, reporting, administers training, and accomplishes a variety of other tasks. They were originally created to identify training gaps and deliver online content for employees but have since morphed into an incredible tool for businesses. There is a growing demand for online training and education, the e-learning industry is set to hit 325 Billion USD by the year 2025. It is no surprise that more companies are implementing this simple solution into their training programs. Not only is e-learning a great tool to keep organized but it is critical to the success of a company. High-quality training for employees is a necessity to ensure competency and safety on the job site. However, training employees can be costly, so finding a solution that is accessible and cost-effective is invaluable. Ensuring employees are well-trained aids in producing better results and a more efficient worksite. By delivering better training, a company will produce better results and have a safer and more efficient job site. The development and training of employees are proven to be the best return on investment because better performance leads to more revenue.
Let’s look at a few of the features common to the best Learning Management Systems in the safety and compliance market:
1. Access to High Quality Training
Accidents have a large physical and financial impact on the employee, and the company. Ensuring employees are up to date on all their training will minimize accidents on the job site. High quality online and practical classroom training provides employees with the knowledge and skills to avoid hazards that put themselves and others at risk. The best learning management systems will also include assessments and tests to check for retention, as well as the ability to do competency assessments that save right within the same system. Retention and competency are vitally important, because if the training is not retained then your employees are no better off than before they did it.

2. Robust Reporting
It can be difficult for a safety manager or HR professional to manage extensive training for a variety of roles within a company, paper certificates, and training records, and important documents or requirements can easily be missed. The best LMS software will compile all important data into one accessible reporting dashboard and ensure managers can see training gaps and are alerted to expiring training. This can be facilitated by employees as well as the administration to guarantee the training for every employee is maintained.
3. Flexible Pricing Options
Studies show that e-learning can reduce training time from 40-60%. A small investment in advance will cut down a variety of expenses associated with in-person training, materials, and administration. Especially if a large volume of employees require training, e-learning is the best option for getting content quickly and efficiently. Cloud-based learning management systems can store a large number of records in a single central location, which saves administrative costs upfront and for the future. The top LMS platforms will also allow you to choose the flexible pricing option that works best for your company and will grow with your organization providing discounts as additional users are added.
4. Meets Your Company Training Requirements
There is a near infinite number of training programs and courses that are available on the market. This can make it difficult to be consistent within an organization. The best LMS software will deliver consistent material to employees to ensure training agrees with the requirements of your company. Companies can choose what content their employees are receiving and ensure consistency across the company.
5. Mobile Accessibility
Training has never been more accessible to employees and there are numerous options catered to almost any unique company needs. The top learning management systems on the market allow for employees to easily log in to their account from any device (desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or phone) and access training on-demand. This enables employees to enroll and complete training content remotely. This convenience allows for training to be done no matter what office or work site an employee is at and increases completion rates.
No matter the size of the company, training and developing employees is important to the ongoing success of a business. The benefits of the best Learning Management Systems are seemingly endless. It is an extremely powerful tool that can upgrade the training and development of employees all while keeping costs low. It allows employers to deliver and create content, manage employees, and monitor progress quickly and with ease. By implementing the right LMS, you can expect better safety and productivity, while generating great results.