Weights and Dimensions (Alberta)

Ensure your vehicle adheres to provincial weights and dimensions limits before taking it on the road

Weights and Dimensions (Alberta)

Weights and Dimensions (Alberta)

Online Training Course

What does Weights and Dimensions (Alberta) mean?

Transportation laws are put in place to ensure public safety and to prevent damage to roadways. As a commercial vehicle operator, it’s crucial that you understand and follow your province’s transportation laws. This Alberta Commercial Vehicle Weights and Dimensions course is designed as a general guideline to help you understand these limits.

This Weights and Dimensions (Alberta) course is designed as a general guideline to help you understand Alberta weight and dimension limits, and the importance of adhering to these limits.

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Weights and Dimensions (Alberta) Course Preview

Course Overview

Course Overview

This Weights and Dimensions course is designed to cover the basics of safe, effective loading activities. The course is organized into the following chapters:

  • Determining Allowable Weight
  • Width Limits, Safety Precautions, and Exemptions
  • Determining Allowable Length
  • Roadways, Road Bans, and Permits

This online course is designed as a general guideline to help commercial vehicle operators understand Alberta weight and dimension limits and the importance of adhering to them.

That is why this online course will train you to identify common hazard scenarios and will cover tips and techniques for a variety of topics such as:

    ✔ Factors That Influence Commercial Vehicle Weight Allowances

    ✔ The Legal Load Limit, Required Safety Measures, and Related Exemptions

    ✔ Factors That Determine The Maximum Allowable Length For a Vehicle and Load

    ✔ The Difference Between Primary Highways and Local Roadways

    ✔ Road Bans and Their Impact on You

    ✔ Conditions Where Over-Dimensional Permits must be Used

    ✔ Load Charts

    ✔ Field Level Hazard Assessments

The completion time of this course is roughly 2 hours, which include practical exercises and testing. The passing score is 80%, and participants earn a certificate that can be downloaded. Virtual proctoring may be available for an additional fee.


Average Completion Time

The average completion time is 2 hours. Individual times will vary depending how long is spent on each module.


Knowledge Assessment

Testing is included to reinforce the training. You are allowed three attempts to achieve a passing mark of 80% or greater.


Certificate of Completion

Upon successful completion of this course, a certificate will be safely stored on your account and is available to download & print.