This online Commercial Driver Training Program includes a variety of required and recommended courses that help commercial drivers meet legislated training requirements.
Many of the courses contained in this program meet National Safety Code (NSC) standards.
Average Completion Time
Completion times vary depending on the number of times the information is viewed prior to finishing the course. The average completion time is 16.5 hours for the entire bundle.
Knowledge Assessment
Testing conducted in this commercial driver course bundle is designed to reinforce the information presented. A mark of 80% must be achieved in order to receive a certificate of completion for each of the courses within the bundle. Participants are able to repeat the course three additional times if the pass mark is not achieved.
Certificate of Completion
Upon successful completion of each course, you will be provided with a certificate of completion for that course. Once all 11 courses have been completed, you will be provided with an additional Commercial Driver Training Program certificate of completion.