Email and Text Etiquette Training

Email and Text Etiquette Training

This series explores the advantages and disadvantages of using email and text messages in the workplace and helps explain times when neither are appropriate. Learn about etiquette tips, see examples of well written electronic business messages and understand how to apply all of this on the job

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • E-mail is a reliable form of written communication that everyone in the business world uses. Learn how and when itโ€™s best to use an email, proper email etiquette and how to always show consistent professionalism.
  • A text message is much quicker to send and receive than an e-mail; it happens in real time. Learn how and when itโ€™s best to use a text message in business, proper text messaging etiquette and how to always show consistent professionalism.
  • Email and texting make workplace communication simple, but they can also make a bad situation worse. While electronic conversations are convenient, some situations require an in-person conversation or at the very least, a phone call.

Email and Text Etiquette Training

Course Topics:

  • Email Etiquette
  • Text Messaging Etiquette
  • When Emails and Text Messages are NOT Appropriate

Universally Compatible

This course was created using standards that will allow playback on most internet capable devices with standard web browsing capabilities including Appleโ€™s iTouch, iPad, and iPhone, as well as most other smart phones and tablets including those with Android and Windows operating systems.


Average Completion Time

Completion times vary depending on the number of times the information is viewed prior to finishing the course. The average completion time is 30 minutes.


Knowledge Assessment

Testing is conducted in this online course to reinforce the information presented. You are provided three opportunities to achieve a passing mark of 80% or greater.


Certificate of Completion

Upon successful completion of this course, a certificate will be available to download and print. You can access your certificate through your online account.