Hazardous Waste Management

This online Hazardous Waste Management course will help learners identify hazardous wastes and understand regulation and requirements for safe handling and storage.


According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), โ€œHazardous waste is waste that is dangerous or potentially harmful to our health or the environment. Hazardous wastes can be liquids, solids, gases, or sludges. They can be discarded commercial products, like cleaning fluids or pesticides, or the by-products of manufacturing processes.โ€ The EPA began regulating hazardous waste in 1976.

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Identify the purpose of a waste management program
  • Define the categories of waste, including hazardous, universal, “”potentially”” hazardous, and non-hazardous
  • Identify the purpose for regulating hazardous waste, which regulatory standards apply to hazardous waste management, and the three classifications of waste generators under RCRA
  • Recognize the criteria for determining if “”you”” generate a hazardous waste
  • Identify the container, labelling, and storage requirements for hazardous waste
  • Identify the requirements for developing and implementing an inspection program for hazardous waste
  • Identify transportation and disposal requirements for hazardous waste
  • Identify the requirements for emergency preparedness and contingency planning
  • Recognize the requirements for training personnel, reporting, and recordkeeping
  • Identify examples of typical hazardous wastes, universal wastes, and potentially hazardous wastes
  • Identify proper management and disposal procedures for typical hazardous, universal, and potentially hazardous wastes
  • Recognize methods for minimizing the generation of hazardous waste and evaluating those methods


  • The purpose of a waste management program
  • Hazardous waste categories
  • Overview of hazardous waste regulations
  • Hazardous waste generators
  • Containers, labelling, and storage
  • Hazardous waste inspection programs
  • Transportation and disposal
  • Emergency preparedness and contingency planning
  • Training, reporting, and recordkeeping
  • Managing typical wastes
  • Methods for minimizing waste


Average Completion Time

Completion times vary depending on the number of times the information is viewed prior to finishing the course. The average completion time is 65 minutes.


Knowledge Assessment

Testing is conducted in this online course to reinforce the information presented. You are provided three opportunities to achieve a passing mark of 80% or greater.


Certificate of Completion

Upon successful completion of this course, a certificate will be available to download and print. You can access your certificate through your online account.