Lockout/Tagout: Put a Lock on Hazardous Energy

This online course helps stop unexpected startups with critical info on OSHA lockout/tagout requirements.

Lockout/Tagout: Put a Lock on Hazardous Energy Online Course Overview

OSHA's Control of Hazardous Energy standard (29 CFR 1910.147) mandates training, inspections, and recordkeeping to ensure that workers will not be injured by unexpected start-up or release of energy from a machine or piece of equipment during service or maintenance.

Whatever your role in lockout/tagout, you need to understand the reasons for lockout/tagout and know the established procedures. Lockout/Tagout: Put a Lock on Hazardous Energy is designed to raise your awareness about the importance of lockout/tagout and teach you both when and how to follow the procedures every time they're needed.

After completing this course, learners will be able to:

  • Identify sources of hazardous energy
  • Describe the three different types of employees recognized in a lockout or tagout program
  • Distinguish lockout from tagout
  • Explain how to perform lockout and tagout procedures
  • Use a group lockout device safely
  • Recognize exceptions to lockout and tagout requirements


  • Control of Energy
    • Hazardous Energy
    • How Accidents Happen
    • OSHA Regulations
    • Who is Involved
  • Lockout Basics
    • Definition
    • When to Use Procedure
    • Steps: Apply Lockout
    • Steps: Remove Lockout
    • Lock Requirements
  • Tagout Basics
    • Definition
    • When to Use Procedure
    • Steps: Apply Tagout
    • Steps: Remove Tagout
    • Tag Requirements
  • Special Cases
    • Group Lockout & Group Tagout
    • Shift Change
    • Vehicle Lockout/Tagout
    • Exceptions
    • Authorized Person is Unavailable


Average Completion Time

Completion times vary depending on the number of times the information is viewed prior to finishing the course. The average completion time is 60 minutes.


Knowledge Assessment

Testing is conducted in this online course to reinforce the information presented. You are provided three opportunities to achieve a passing mark of 80% or greater.


Certificate of Completion

Upon successful completion of this course, a certificate will be available to download and print. You can access your certificate through your online account.