Provincial Hours of Service
Training Course - Alberta Regulations

Provincial Hours of Service Course - Alberta Regulations

This course outlines the regulations a driver must follow when operating under the Alberta provincial hours of service rules. These regulations are in place to help combat fatigue; they not only protect those involved in commercial transportation but the public traveling on the road as well.
After completing this course, the participant should understand work-shift limits, exemptions to the limits, documentation requirements (form and manner), the 160 KM radius exemption, and the responsibilities of the driver.
This course will help the participant understand not only the rules that govern them but how to apply them.

Course Topics


  • What is a Safety Fitness Certificate?
  • What is a National Safety Code vehicle?
  • What employees do the regulations apply to?

Duty Status

  • The Four Duty statuses
  • Off Duty Time
  • On Duty Time
  • Work-shift Limits

Definition of Work-shift

  • Work-shift Limits
  • Mandatory Time Breaks
  • Reduced Rest Provision
  • Summary or limits

Co – Driver Requirements

  • Conflict of Status


  • Adverse Driving Conditions and its definition
  • Emergencies and its definition

Form & Manner Requirements

  • Daily Log Requirements
  • Duty Status Locations
  • Off Duty Logs
  • Driver Log Retention
  • Supporting Documents

Logbook Exemption (160 KM Radius)

  • Not exempt from work-shift limits
  • Exemption rules
  • Record of Duty Status Form and Manner
  • Supporting Documents
  • 15 Hour on Duty Limit

Universally Compatible

This course was created using standards that will allow playback on most internet capable devices with standard web browsing capabilities including Apple’s iTouch, iPad, and iPhone, as well as most other smart phones and tablets including those with Android and Windows operating systems.


Average Completion Time

Completion times vary depending on the number of times the information is viewed prior to finishing the course. The average completion time is 45 minutes.


Knowledge Assessment

Testing is conducted in this online course to reinforce the information presented. You are provided three opportunities to achieve a passing mark of 80% or greater.


Certificate of Completion

Upon successful completion of this course, a certificate will be available to download and print. You can access your certificate through your online account.