Setting Up a Claims Management
Program for Your Company (WCB)

Setting Up a Claims Management Program for Your Company (WCB) Course Overview

A proper return to work program has many benefits for the employees of an organization and the company itself. Despite best efforts to prevent workplace injuries, a strong claims management program will mitigate the impact these incidents have.

It is recommended that as you take this course and implement the strategies as you go along.

If you are working with an organization that already has a claims management program, this course can be used to audit your current program and identify any gaps that can be addressed.

At the completion of the course, you will be able to:

  • Recognize each element of a claimโ€™s management program
  • Create a custom program for any organization
  • Create a WCB claims package that includes the documents to be used in the event of an injury.
  • Create a team and assign roles and responsibilities to respond / manage workplace injuries/illnesses
  • Set-up medical support services for your organization

Setting Up a Claims Management Program for Your Company (WCB)

Some of the topics discussed in this course include:

  • How to involve senior leadership and create a culture to support return to work
  • Policy Development (Including downloadable template)
  • Documentation development and WCB claims package
  • Medical team set up
  • Identifying internal team members
  • Assigning Roles and Responsibilities
  • Worker Orientation in Claims Management
  • Injury Reporting
  • Guidelines to assist in incident investigations
  • Training internal employees
  • Return to work / Modified Duties

Related Courses
How To Prevent Lost Time Claims with Strategic WCB Claims Management
How to Effectively Appeal a Workerโ€™s Compensation (WCB) Claim

Instructor Bio
Anthony Butkovic is President of a company that specializes in training professionals from all backgrounds and occupations in managing and appealing WCB claims.
For the past 10 years, Anthony has dedicated himself to educating employers on how to effectively manage and appeal WCB claims.
Anthony has implemented programs in companies across Canada from various industries and company sizes. Often these programs have resulted in a discount to WCB premiums/statistics and increased profits within the first 2 years of implementation.

Universally Compatible

This course was created using standards that will allow playback on most internet capable devices with standard web browsing capabilities including Appleโ€™s iTouch, iPad, and iPhone, as well as most other smart phones and tablets including those with Android and Windows operating systems.


Average Completion Time

Completion times vary depending on the number of times the information is viewed prior to finishing the course. The average completion time is 60 minutes.


Knowledge Assessment

Testing is conducted in this online course to reinforce the information presented. You are provided three opportunities to achieve a passing mark of 80% or greater.


Certificate of Completion

Upon successful completion of this course, a certificate will be available to download and print. You can access your certificate through your online account.