EHS Industry Golf Tournament

EHS Industry Golf Tournament

Join us for golf, prizes, and more!

Our First Annual EHS Industry Golf Tournament

Thank you for coming out and joining us for our first EHS Golf Tournament! We were so happy to have the support of all our amazing sponsors and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. Feel free to browse the gallery below or join our mailing list for information on our next tournament!

Golf Tournament Gallery - 2023

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Thank you for being a part of the Tournament!

Please join us next year!

Tournament Sponsors

Albatross Level Sponsors

Eagle Level Sponsors

Birdie Level Sponsors

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A Guaranteed Gift* for Every Participant!

Trip to Hawaii 

Weekend in
Las Vegas

Trip to Mexico

Weekend in

80+ Inch
Smart TVs

Golf Clubs

Recreation Sets

Smart Home Setups 

Must Have Tech 

*Gifts are subject to change. Gifts pictured may not be included on the day of the tournament.

Win a Ford Mustang!

Sink a hole-in-one on hole 14 and you may win a Ford Mustang!

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Play & Win at the Annual EHS Industry Golf Tournament

Join us again next year for a day of golf, lunch, and hundreds of giveaways!