Long Answer – Online Testing

Online Assessments & Testing - Long Answer

Due to the limitations of modern software, it can be a challenge to include valuable long answer question elements in your online training assessments.

Thankfully, with BIStrainer, you can still integrate long answer questions with a simple three step process:

  1. Each student can self-register, complete all the multiple choice questions, write out all their responses to the long-answer questions and then submit the exam.

  2. Once the student submits the assessment it automatically triggers an email to one or more individuals who are qualified to review and mark the long answer portion.

  3. Once submitted, BIStrainer takes the long answer test results back, weighs it with the multiple choice test results to produce a final score, and if the score is high enough, releases the certificate of completion.

The BIStrainer software is a turn-key solution that allows you to upload thousands of multiple choice questions and combine them with online forms that capture long-answer responses.

Virtual Proctoring

Virtually proctor exams on any tablet, laptop or phone using some of the latest bio-metric technology that verifies the student’s identity .

Exam Engine

The integrated exam engine technology allows
for multiple choice, multi-select, True/False,
fill-in-the-blank, and interactive drag-n-drop activities.

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Automatic Scoring

The BIStrainer system calculates the overall score using multiple choice and long-answer results, comparing it to the passing mark to determine certificate eligibility.


Upload a certificate for all successful students that achieve a passing mark and the system will instantly generate the final image with name, date, result, expiry and signatures.

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Online Course Player Integrations:

Video-Based Learning

Using high-impact video, it is possible to create powerful and memorable lessons that help make safety training that stands out for the students.

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Historical Training Tickets

Allow students to upload all of their current and historical training tickets online and automatically submit them for approval before being added to the user’s account. All of this, right from the training system.

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Image-Based Questions

Add images directly into the questions to help guide the students through visual learning and memory recall. This feature works great for most industry learning objectives.

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Time-based Exams

Limit the time students have to complete the online exam to prevent procrastination or cheating. This timer will automatically remove access to the exam when the time is up and move the exam to the completed section.

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Chapter Evalutation

Using the chapter evaluation technology forces students to achieve the required passing mark before moving from one section of an exam to another. This is great for long exams.

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PDF Linking Technology

Use the integrated PDF linking technology to allow students to review material for each specific question. This allows you to provide limited access to specific material for each question.

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Interactive Courses and Assessments

Using interactive media and HTML5, it’s possible to develop engaging video-based scenarios that can help educate and instruct students.

As an example, a video in the course would play out a situation, at some point the video stops and the student is presented with multiple choices, once a choice is selected, the video continues based on the choice made, similar to a video game. This interactive design allows students to immerse themselves in the action and make choices in low-stakes environments.

Situation-based training simulators create an opportunity for the students to select options and see the various outcomes for their choices. The best part is the scenarios do not need to contain right or wrong answers, but could include good, better, best selections, which can improve the decision making of employees who make good choices, but could be doing even better.

Start your students off right by expanding what’s possible with online learning technology.

Online Long Answer Assessments Should be This Easy

Seamlessly integrate multiple choice and long answer into your training assessments.